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Green tea is one of my favorite drinks at Yoshinoya, (A Japanese fast food chain known for its tasty foods at an affordable price).  I like the taste of it since it’s not too sweet. If this is the first time you will taste it, it may taste grassy, but when you get used to it, its taste is refreshing. (I’m talking about a cold green tea with a touch of lemon).  This is one kind of preparation of the tea, though it may be served hot or cold. Oh I love it with ice especially on hot season. Green tea is good for our health if we take it moderately.   It has polyphenols (a plant substance) that prevents cancer and cardiovascular or heart disease . A study conducted in toxicity of polyphenols, has shown that excessive consumption of green tea, can cause kidney and liver disease. As a green tea drinker we should not be worried that we might have a kidney and liver disease, since it only occurs to those people who take the green tea supplement.


(Any medical issue written here is not for you to follow, it is only additional information regarding about the topic. If you will take any pills please see a doctor first!) Women today married or not, have tried to take hormonal pills. It can be for contraception purposes or for  medication. Taking pills for the purpose of medication is not questionable since we are using it to treat a certain illness. But what concerns me more is, a lot of teenagers today are taking pills without consent (Of course who would want to know that they are sexually active). But before diving in to taking pills, there are things that we must know. “Any synthetically made pills have side effects.” According to one doctor I’ve talked to, it can trigger diabetes plus it is not allowed to women with hypertension. That’s why you need to consult an OB/GYN before you take any pills or medicine. To make things clear, pills has two hormone content, it is the oestrogen and progestogen. These two hormones are pr


Raising a kid is the most rewarding and yet very challenging part of being a parent.  Getting your child to talk is even harder when the kid is growing especially teenagers. I noticed that talking to a two year old is much easy and comfortable compared to older kids. Toddlers are not ashamed to ask questions, relevant or not, because they are just starting to know the things that surrounds them. While teenagers have some sort of idea how things are and most of the times they are the one exploring things and putting it into action rather than asking questions.  Which I think is more dangerous since teenagers are already interacting with different people, they have the tendency to pick up wrong ideas or even be influenced by bad people. In this very complicated world that we have today, it is tough to explain things or issues  to kids so that they will clearly understand what are the things we try to convey. Especially those issues like, sex and sexuality, relationship, alcohol, divorc


It's been a while since I started blogging and the funny thing is I always post my article immediately after creating it. My fault, I'm always excited what my reader would have to say about the article I wrote. Then what usually happened is after a day or two, I'll go back to my article and find out that there are some wrong grammar and typographical error. Sometimes I feel ashamed that when I take a look at it, it's so obvious that it is wrong but I didn't notice. So if you are writing some articles for your blog or somebody's blog be sure to proofread it first before you post it. Here are some tips that you can follow.

LONG DISTANCE love affair

It's pretty hard to keep any long distance relationship. One partner may feel insecure, cause he/she might not know what the other person is doing on the other side of the world.

I don't want to vote!

I often hear this phrase "I don't want to vote! What good does it do for me? How many times I voted, looked what happened. Nothing! This country is hopeless. And who cares if I vote? It's not the end of the world, duh! I Vote for You on Facebook

She needs my vote

She needs my vote more than anyone else does. I'm afraid that i might choose the wrong person to lead the country. Worried that when my child grew up, there will be no company that will provide her with job? How can she live with a decent life. I don't want her to be away with her family and work somewhere else because the pay that she's getting is not enough to feed her family at least three times a day. I'm frightened that my child will walk on the street surrounded by all kinds of crimes. And most of all, i don't want her paying the debt of her country a day after she got hired. I Vote for You on Facebook