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She needs my vote

She needs my vote more than anyone else does. I'm afraid that i might choose the wrong person to lead the country. Worried that when my child grew up, there will be no company that will provide her with job? How can she live with a decent life. I don't want her to be away with her family and work somewhere else because the pay that she's getting is not enough to feed her family at least three times a day. I'm frightened that my child will walk on the street surrounded by all kinds of crimes. And most of all, i don't want her paying the debt of her country a day after she got hired.

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Being a mom doesn't stop when you're baby started walking or when she's already independent. Throughout her life we are responsible of how she become and where she was going. Moms, I don't mean to dictate our child, but there are some part of their live that they need us.

Now that May 10 election is almost a month away from the moment i write this article (today is April 3, 2010), I am encouraging everyone not just all moms like me, but married or not, to please make the right decision, election only happens once every six years. And if we decide on the wrong candidate six years of corruption is enough to suffer million of children, born and unborn.

Let us not be persuaded by money. We have a month to go to review and study the profile of every candidate that we have today. Have pity on those people that will suffer if we choose the wrong leader.

I'm hoping that the president that we choose has a heart that understand and a fist that knows when to draw the line.


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