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Showing posts with the label May Kay

Mary Kay free makeover

Mary Kay is in the move. I've got a chance to visit their boot located inside our office. Courtesy of Mary Kay, our employee was able to have a short hour pamper for facial pampering :) The white thingy that you see at the right is their firming mask, as they say no happy moments when you do this else the lines will be firmed instead of flawless face :) No laughing or smiling when you apply this to your face.  After cleaning and firming mask, they are offering free makeover, quickie free make up. Ms. Cherry of Mary Kay gladly assist me on getting this effect on my eyes. Smokey eyes she said, combination of black and dark purple, which I thought was an impossible combination. Cause I usually use brown instead of purple. But successfully she made it effortless. Getting a look as if I have contact lenses. But no contact lens at all. Mary Kay also showcase their products and what are essential kits for having a clean and healthy skin. Different shades of makeup