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(Any medical issue written here is not for you to follow, it is only additional information regarding about the topic. If you will take any pills please see a doctor first!)

Women today married or not, have tried to take hormonal pills. It can be for contraception purposes or for  medication. Taking pills for the purpose of medication is not questionable since we are using it to treat a certain illness. But what concerns me more is, a lot of teenagers today are taking pills without consent (Of course who would want to know that they are sexually active). But before diving in to taking pills, there are things that we must know. “Any synthetically made pills have side effects.” According to one doctor I’ve talked to, it can trigger diabetes plus it is not allowed to women with hypertension. That’s why you need to consult an OB/GYN before you take any pills or medicine.

To make things clear, pills has two hormone content, it is the oestrogen and progestogen. These two hormones are produced inside the ovaries of a woman before menopause. Another type of pills is the mini-pill where progestogen is the only hormone content. Usually it is used by breast feeding moms and has no side effects to  babies.

• Taking the Pill with both oestrogen and progestogen tend to have blood clot (deep vein thrombosis or DVT) five times more compared to women who’s taking mini-pill. The symptom is swelling of the calf. That’s why doctors prohibit the use of Pills to those people with veins showing already on their legs.

A research conducted in Netherlands and Denmark shows that there are some safe brands of Pills. Microgynon 30 that is widely used in UK is one of the safest. Some are at worst when it comes to DVT (I will not mentions the other brands. It’s up to you to research)

• The Pill also increased the risk of stroke and heart attack. I remember a friend who consulted an OB/GYN, her blood pressure is 130/90 and the doctor told her that it is not advisable for her to take the pills since there is a possibility of stroke and heart attack.

• If you are taking oral contraceptive or pill, you have less chance that you will die of cancer.

• Pill is not advisable to women who smoke, with high blood pressure, breast cancer, severe migraine, with heart disease and obese people.

• It is not the most effective method of contraception. If you are a faithful pill taker, taking your pill every day at the same time, chances are you will not get pregnant. But if you forget, it will lead to unplanned pregnancy.

Pills are just another option that is used for contraception. If you are fully aware how to use the natural way of family planning, it would be better that way.  Natural Family Planning. Natures Way - Gods Way At least at the back of your mind you are not worried what might be the side effects of the pills, it gives us peace of mind. But if natural way of family planning won’t work with couples, find other way to plan what’s best for you and you’re family. After all, we are given the freedom and right to choose. We only want the best for our family not for our sexual pleasure and desire.

Dr Mark Porter. 2009. Ten things you need to know about the Pill. The Times, September 7, (accessed May 6, 2010)


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