Let me take a break from writing serious articles, I just came home, have my two tall of Starbucks Frappuccino courtesy of HSBC ( ). I never knew that there was a promo 'til June of 2010, that whenever you purchase something using the HSBC credit card for a certain amount, you get a tall Starbucks coffee of your choice. They send me SMS about the promo. Luckily I updated my contact information.
I love coffee if it's free. Even coffee is bad for my health since I have hormonal migraine (doctors does not advice coffee to people like me), I would love to take this opportunity to try the newest flavor of Starbucks (Java Chip Frappucino) and my all time favorite Strawberries and Creme Frap (which I gave to my mom since she is using my extension card).
Do you wonder why Starbucks coffee shop has a pure relaxing coffee aroma? (I love the smell, very addicting). One source told me (a friend of mine), that whenever Starbucks hired you as a crew, you are not allowed to use any type of perfume or cologne (Ridiculous though, if you want to smell good and smell fresh), but this is an excellent way of maintaining relaxing ambiance. How about the customers? We know for sure that they used perfume? Simple logic, they don't stay long in the coffee shop.
Anyway I would love to have more freebies from HSBC, I'm hoping next time they will give me free laptop, so that I can write whenever I go (especially at Starbucks since they have free WI-FI). *Wink*
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