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Chocolate Cookies from Marks & Spencer

Double Chocolate Cookies
Chocolate Cookie, yahoo!!! The best things in life are free. This is one of the perks of being a blogger (wink).

You've got to taste food for free at the same time, you enjoy the part of being a critic.

This is not the first time, I tasted a cookie. I could say that I am not a cookie person. If you would ask me if I have a choice, whether it's a cookie or a cake. I will go for cake of course.

But this time, I have a sudden change of heart. A heartylicious, mouth watering cookie, made even better with gooey and fudgee texture in your mouth. That makes it stand out, a soft cookie indeed, without removing the touch of conventional cookie crust at the outer layer.

It is layered with tiny bits of gooey chocolates, that from the taste of it, you can tell, that the chocolates used are high end yet affordable.

It will only cost you 50 pesos, for a cookie with a size of your palm. Not bad.

Marks & Spencer Food are offering variety of cookies. Neatly arranged in their cookie bar that's made of wood. That wood thing is like a paranoia going back to conventional way of cooking and displaying irresistible goodies. Very warming.

Ideal for dessert or snack. It doesn't matter. But on the side note, if you want to reheat the cookie, please don't exceed in 10 seconds.

This cookie is a hidden treasure in BGC. You can visit their store in Central Square, Bonifacio High Street.

Marks & Spencer FOOD


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