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Thyroid Surgery Anticipation

I should be writing something fun and informative here but can't help. The feeling of anticipation for the result of my father's thyroid biopsy. Initially the major concern was hoarseness of his voice. We've consulted a few EENT doctors and Pulmunologist to confirm what's going on with his larynx. After a few laboratory test we found out that his left vocal chord was paralyzed.  For some unknown reason. EENT suggested a CT scan of chest and neck with contrast to check where the problem is coming from and found out that there is a mass, I don't know how they call it in medical terms, that's been a bit big and eventually reach his heart. An initial suggestion of the ENT doctor is an operation but we have to wait for the result of the biopsy to know if this mass is malignant or what, the ENT doctor also needs to wait for the cardiothoracic surgeon so that they can plan how the operation will go. Huh! As much as possible I don't want to hear this kind of

New Year!

Wow 2013 is here.. can't believe it another year has passed! And I'm still here like a couch potato ha ha ha. It's been a while since i  wrote here and I missed it really. I've been busy for the past few years, stress overloading, schedule messed up, working mode, mommy mode, etc. Yay, 2013 is another year and I promised to be organized this time and will find some time to squeeze on my schedule to keep this blog updated. Happy New Year everyone!

Mailchimp unsubscribe issue.

Having been able to integrate mailchimp in one of my client's site, I've encountered an issue where an email was already unsubscribe and when i tried to re-subscribe the same email. Automatically the old information was  being pulled out. Just so you know, that when an email was unsubscribed in mailchimp, it was not fully deleted in the database. Instead we can try to flag the specific member or email to full delete all the information from their database. Here's how you do it.  $api->listUnsubscribe( $list_id, $_GET['email'], true );  You have to set the it to true to fully delete the information. Getting techie here :) Happy Programming!

Goats milk magic!

Goats milk is one of many popular ingredients used today. It is a natural recipe they used to improved skin condition. Usually if it is added in a lotion, most of it are water based. You will feel that if you apply the lotion to skin, it will dry fast and no sticky feeling at all. Goats milk is effective in hydrating your skin. In ancient times, Cleopatra once used to bathe in Goats milk, it whitens and smoothed dry skin. Goats milk is better than cows milk since it has less fats. We may not know the ingredient of the goats milk, but a lot proved already that it whitens even the new scars. You just have to apply it generously on skin. If you are using a lotion with goat's milk, it is best applied after bathing and it is more effective if you will be using Goat's milk soap as well. Goat's milk can either be processed and be added to lotion or soap, which can be purchased at  You also have the option of drinking goat's milk to substitute cows milk if you


Wordpress is one of a blogging platform that can be easily customized and user friendly at the same time. Bloggers have been migrating their blogs since wordpress is a free software and you can easily ad some ads on the fly. In this word of web development, one thing i noticed is that, many clients would want their site ready made by wordpress due to content management. You can easily edit, post and published your blog in one click.  If you would like to try this software you can download the latest version here  Another advantage of wordpress, there are themes that you can download for free, you can choose how many columns or color, it's your choice. And oh by the way, did i say that wordpress is an open source. Meaning you can do whatever you want to modify the core of the software. Computer savvy or not, this software can be used by anyone, especially if you have passion writing blogs.The choice is in your hand.


FISH OIL ? Is there really an oil in fish? Funny! I thought that fish has no oil since it is commonly eaten by people Generally fish oil is a mixture of lipids. Not literally means greasy oil as I thought. These lipids are from cold water fish. These fish has eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These are the major content of fish that helps restore the body's equilibrium after stress or injury. Here are the benefits of fish oil: Lower the risk of heart disease, stroke and heart attack (it lessen the changes in heart rhythm). Reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Helps visual development in premature babies. It is also said that eating fish lessen the risk of chronic bronchitis and emphysema (calling all smokers). Many tend to conclude that whatever the benefits of fish will be found in fish oil supplement.  It makes sense to me. Plus count the fact that whatever the impurities of fish is already eliminated in fish oil supplement. (Which is good.


Let me take a break from writing serious articles, I just came home, have my two tall of Starbucks Frappuccino courtesy of HSBC  ( The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation ). I never knew that there was a promo 'til June of 2010, that whenever you purchase something using the HSBC credit card for a certain amount, you get a tall Starbucks coffee of your choice. They send me SMS about the promo. Luckily I updated my contact information. I love coffee if it's free. Even coffee is bad for my health since I have hormonal migraine (doctors does not advice coffee to people like me), I would love to take this opportunity to try the newest flavor of Starbucks (Java Chip Frappucino) and my all time favorite Strawberries and Creme Frap (which I gave to my mom since she is using my extension card). Do you wonder why Starbucks coffee shop has a pure relaxing coffee aroma? (I love  the smell, very addicting). One source told me (a friend of mine), that whenever Starbucks hired you as