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Thyroid Surgery Anticipation

I should be writing something fun and informative here but can't help. The feeling of anticipation for the result of my father's thyroid biopsy.

Initially the major concern was hoarseness of his voice. We've consulted a few EENT doctors and Pulmunologist to confirm what's going on with his larynx. After a few laboratory test we found out that his left vocal chord was paralyzed.  For some unknown reason.

EENT suggested a CT scan of chest and neck with contrast to check where the problem is coming from and found out that there is a mass, I don't know how they call it in medical terms, that's been a bit big and eventually reach his heart.

An initial suggestion of the ENT doctor is an operation but we have to wait for the result of the biopsy to know if this mass is malignant or what, the ENT doctor also needs to wait for the cardiothoracic surgeon so that they can plan how the operation will go.

Huh! As much as possible I don't want to hear this kind of surgery, but I have no choice. I and my family will be waiting for the result this week. I don't know what to expect.

Let's just hope and pray that all goes well.... 

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