Let me take a break from writing serious articles, I just came home, have my two tall of Starbucks Frappuccino courtesy of HSBC ( The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation ). I never knew that there was a promo 'til June of 2010, that whenever you purchase something using the HSBC credit card for a certain amount, you get a tall Starbucks coffee of your choice. They send me SMS about the promo. Luckily I updated my contact information. I love coffee if it's free. Even coffee is bad for my health since I have hormonal migraine (doctors does not advice coffee to people like me), I would love to take this opportunity to try the newest flavor of Starbucks (Java Chip Frappucino) and my all time favorite Strawberries and Creme Frap (which I gave to my mom since she is using my extension card). Do you wonder why Starbucks coffee shop has a pure relaxing coffee aroma? (I love the smell, very addicting). One source told me (a friend of mine), that whenever Starbucks hired you a...
Live, laugh and love :)