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Website Branding Challenge..

Branding? We usually hear branding especially on website design, but the question is do we understand what it means? Branding is a way or process so that your products, services or company will be known. Branding in complex in nature, but think of it this way, visually how do you want your products, services, or company be perceive by it's users. How do you want to be known? Initially on a website design, logo is very important. Yeah I know! But how will you brand and existing website? What if they ask you to brand an already known company. How will you do it? Challenging huh! Are you going to rebrand the company itself, change logo, color of websites, change of taglines to convey the new marketing strategy for branding, changed published materials, etc etc.? At what extent of changes will you do for the sake of the so-called "branding"? Just a thought....

Iodine free diet challenge for thyroid cancer patient

Iodine is normally needed by our thyroid to perform normally to produce thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones also contributes a large factor to our digestive system and other parts of the body. For a cancer patient, usually thyroid hormones are being controlled to a low level, this is to prevent the cancer from recurring, and Iodine plays a great role here. Usually cancer patient has low iodine diet. The challenge here is before the body scan of a thyroid cancer patient and before the RAI (Radioactive Iodine) therapy. In preparation for my father's RAI and body scan (checking the levels of cancer on the body), his nuclear doctor advised to stop taking the thyrax medicine and an  iodine free diet for iodine and calcium as well. Iodine and calcium should not be present to foods. That means no dairy products like cheese, milk, egg, and etc. He stops the intake of Prosure and Sustagen Premium which is the hardest part since he needs to have more calorie intake. So all of his food

Prosure - For People with Cancer Induced Weight Loss

For People with Cancer Induced Weight Loss , uniquely formulated, high protein, EPA-enriched ( EPA-Eicosapentaenoic Acid, An Omega-3 fatty acid ), Prosure is from Abbot or licensed by Abbot  Laboratories. I have purchased this milk (Prosure) just today. My father's doctor prescribed this milk to double the dosage intake of calorie he's been getting. Since a few days ago CT scan results shows that there is a recurrent of tumor on his neck. Unfortunately there are some signs of pain on his upper back which cause him to loose his appetite due to pain. So to  compensate the missing calorie Prosure was added to his daily diet, 1 scoop of Prosure added to 1 scoop of Sustagen premium. Twice a day. Prosure claims the following help: Promote weight gain. Increase lean body mass and strength. Enhance physical activity. Improve quality of life. Hopefully Prosure milk will help him a lot.  Good thing Prosure was invented these days, were modern drugs and milk already exists, b

How to get approved by Google Adsense in less than two weeks time

Some of my friends who tried Adsense are complaining why  they aren't got approve yet by Google Adsense, given that they already have long post of articles on their site. They said that the site should be there at least a couple of month to get approved. But now I beg to disagree. As part of the experimentation process, I setup a new blog with just five post. Take note that's only five and a few lines of post content maybe 3 to 4 lines for every post, not much to be really approved. So my thought was, the blog will be approved next year if it will be a couple of months. But today, when I visited the site ads are already showing, which is really nice :) An addition to my experimentation and few extra cents of dollars ha ha ha, not big though. Here are three golden rules or tips how to get approve for Google Adsense in less than two weeks time. The title of your blog or website should coincide to the content of your site. Drive traffic to your site even though it has only

David DiMuzio sound trip...Thanks God It's Friday.

Time to relax after a week of work, thanks God it's Friday. This video is one of my all time favorite music by David DiMuzio.  There are quiet a few revival that he has sang with different ladies, you can visit his site here: , just so love his voice, can't get enough of him ha ha ha :) He's a songwriter, singer, international artist all in one. Just so cool for an American to sing Filipino songs. I so love it!  Here's the other video. Title: Your Love.

Facebook Marketing fan page post boost.

I tried using Facebook boosting post on fan page. I tried this for the purpose of experimentation how effective Facebook marketing would be. Goal: To generate traffic on external site. Total budget I set was  approximately 5 dollars and that gives me at least 2,900 reach targeting up to 45 years old users, man and woman combined, and this is for one day experiment. Although I have to admit that the post I experimented was not effective since the title is not catchy at all (next time I'll try it with more effective article title). The thing is, Facebook post was link to external site. So I wasn't really able to get the output I aim (to generate traffic). Since very few people click on my link to external site. I got only 22 click on title link to the post versus 2,933.  But to sum it up, Facebook marketing for boosting post is very cheap . Since per paid reach will just cost you around 0.064 cents, but for it to become useful and effective you need to have a catch