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Why client buys an insurance?

Save now and protect your loved ones

I've talked to some people and many of them said "pass" on buying life insurance. That's okay, not everybody wants it. You can't insist on something that they believed is not a necessity. But is it really necessary? We may have different perception why we would want a life insurance, and usually though not all, when they hear the word insurance, what comes first into their mind is death. "I'm not gonna die yet, I don't need it." True that you may not need it now. But are you going to buy it, if you think you already need it? Are you still insurable by the time you think that you need it. Life insurance premium becomes higher as we age. While we are still young and earning, and still healthy, this would be the best time to get a life insurance. Some of my clients that I've talked to includes the following why they want to buy an insurance:
  1. To protect love ones from paying debt.
  2. To provide family in case of death.
  3. To provide for a loved ones education expenses.
  4. To pass wealth to heirs.
  5. To cover funeral expenses.
To sum this up, this is all about financial and protection for your loved ones. Usually we work hard to provide for the necessity and better lifestyle of our family. We only want to give them the best. But come to think of it. As a bread winner, if you are already out of the picture (in case of death or critical illness), what will happen to your kids, or your family. Protection of your income is necessary if you are breadwinner of the family. Will they able to sustain their current lifestyle now if you can no longer provide for them. Reality bites, when we are already at the moment. But will you wait for that moment before you do something? Or should I say, can you still do something about it if you are already ill or in your death bed? Things to ponder...

Get free quotes now on insurance to know how much will be your monthly/quarterly contribution.


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