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The Financial Advisor

Every financial adviser has her struggle and that includes being the "Invisible man" and "Seen mode friend". Almost all financial adviser I think could relate to this, specially those who do their communication on facebook or maybe in other social media. Most of the time, we would message someone and yet as if typing "no" or "not interested" would take an hour of their time. We know that these people are busy, and yet we feel that if we talk to someone and we don't get direct answers, as if there's no closure at all. But yeah that's life, and that's reality and reality bites!

And oh, should I also mention that includes text messages as well (wink*). This is not new, sometimes you may loose majority of your so called online friends because of this. Funny but true, might frustrate us a bit, but we have to move on from client to client. 

Client might not realize their needs for insurance or investment at their current state in life, and mind you, selling insurance is difficult. Harder to sell than real estate.. why? Cause it's intangible, how would you sell something that's can't been seen? And yet we know for sure that the reason why we are in this business is not just for commission itself, but the genuine intention to help other people realized their financial goals and secure their family. Especially the breadwinners. As much as possible we would want to emphasize that, a few years from now, his or her family will get something out of it. That whatever happened to them in the future this will be a big help to them.

That we would cross the islands and the sea just to get there, and extend our service. There are times that we would sacrifice our family time just to be of service to our dear client, but hey, they would still think that it's all about commission. Sad but true.

To be a financial adviser is to be an advocate of financial literacy and be of service to our client to help them build financial security in the future not just for them but for their loved ones.

So if you have the guts and passion to be an advocate and help our client. Please join us in our journey as Sun Life Financial adviser.


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