Carrot and Potato Mix
- Small size carrot
- Medium size potatoe
- Half of onion
- 3 gloves of garlic
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp. of all purpose flour (I'm using Magnolia)
- Oil for frying (I preferred corn oil)
- Grind black pepper (I'm using McCormick)
- Pinch of salt

1. Use a shredder for carrots and potato, I preferred the one with small holes since it will be more refined. Don't forget to peel before doing this.
2. Add salt, garlic, onion and pepper. For kids, use powdered pepper. I used grind pepper here since I'm feeding an adult :) Mr. Hubby. You can also shred the onion and garlic.
3. You will notice that water will appear as soon as you mixed the ingredients, don't drain them, the vitamins are there. Add the flour, then add the egg and mix all.
4. Let it settle for 5 to 10 minutes.
5. Then you can start frying. No need to deep fry.
6. One spoonful to get this pancake size.
7. Be sure to fry it in medium heat to avoid burning. Three to 5 minutes per surface.
I served this hot and toasted with fried rice .(for kids, don't over toast the food they might not like the taste). I liked it a little burnt on the side.
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